Free Hand for Truth

Welcome to the Free Hand for Truth website. The Free Hand for Truth is NOT a political party, does not function as one, nor is it registered as one. The Free Hand for Truth is a spiritual movement to introduce and deploy the spiritual principle of truth into the political process. In essence, the Free Hand is a lobbyist for the truth an advocate or voice for everyday ordinary citizens. The Free Hand for Truth has been created to provide the citizens of the United States with the absolute truth so that they may be able to express and exert the will of the people via the democratic election process. This newly organized spiritual movement will function as a chariot of change for Americans to use in waging war on Ignorance, Tyranny, and Greed.

The Free Hand for Truth does not claim to be the truth, nor does it harbor any
ambitions to monopolize it. We do, however, certify that the truth exists, and we are an organization uniquely qualified to search for it. Simply put, the members of The Free Hand for Truth are TOUGH enough to handle the TRUTH and SMART enough to find it!

You may wonder or ask why we seek nothing but the truth and how this profound discovery of truth will solve all our problems. The answer is simple. Our society and nation have tried anything and everything except the truth for the last 50 years and you can decide for yourself where that has gotten us. The only historically proven antidote or recourse to the willful ignorance and confused anger that now shackles our dreams and postpones our destiny is to re-discover and deploy the most powerful force in all of the heavens and history. The Truth!

The self-evident truths that we can all agree on are identified as — man’s unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Correspondingly it is only logical to conclude that the primary purpose of our democratically elected government is to protect our lives, liberty, and property! Therefore, it is wise and rational to infer that when our government either fails to perform these responsibilities or contemptuously seeks to acquire more power and authority than is necessary to serve and protect its citizens then we are being subjected to bureaucratic dictatorship. When our government and the politicians that are in a position of power lie to us, spy on us, and steal from us,
THEN we are being TYRANNIZED.

Americans have seen and experienced so many political calamities and moral plagues caused by abuse of power and absence of integrity that we have become numb to our beatings and are barely able to muster even a whisper of outrage for any new crimes committed against us by our own government and elected officials. Threats, blame, and outrageous promises are the only tools our uninspiring leaders use to convince us to vote for them. All we hear every election is:

1. If you don’t vote for me everything is going to hell
2. It’s the other political parties’ fault
3. We can fix all your problems
4. If you don’t give our party all the power, how can we be expected to fix things?

These are the only choices and solutions Americans have been given for over 50 years. This total lack of character, imagination, and values by both parties should be more than enough for them to be dis-elected. Unfortunately, there is more blood on their hands from the dismemberment of public trust. A biopsy and DNA analysis reveals that every member of Congress belongs to the same tree of crooked politicians. The proof of their kinship and heritage is that every one of them regardless of their political party affiliation; when confronted with or challenged to choose between the best interests of the public or their parties’ politics and personal gain, always chooses to cheat those who pay their salary and secure their self-interest first.

If we continue to vote for the candidates chosen by the existing political cartels whose only aim is to enrich themselves with profit and power; then we deserve the contempt for our intelligence that they brazenly verbalize with each campaign lie and promise. If the political cartels know the way out of our maze of problems, then why did they lead us into the path of oncoming disaster in the first place? Fortunately, Providence has provided us with a solution that is only limited by our degree of willingness to settle for nothing less than the absolute truth about the past, present, and future. The window of opportunity to secure liberty in our lifetime is only open briefly to the brave and inaction guarantees failure.

Join The Free Hand for Truth Party for it is now time to grasp the sword of justice, shield ourselves with the truth, and shoulder the burden that history will bestow upon us if we fail to fight for our freedom and our children’s future.

Contribute now and support our cause

 Join the Free Hand for Truth

In the final analysis it comes down to each and every one of us to channel that supreme dignity within all of us and act as agents of truth, freedom, and knowledge. The embracement of eternal values empowers each of us with purpose and courage heretofore denied or unavailable to ordinary individuals.

That the TRUTH is self-evident and access to the TRUTH is the birthright of every American is the founding principle and ultimate power of the FREE HAND FOR TRUTH movement. This is your opportunity to join with your fellow citizens in a battle against the tyranny, ignorance, and greed that has poisoned the politics and government of this great nation.

The only antidote or cure for the moral cancer of PROTECTIONISM that has infected our society is for us to come together and unite the forces of truth, moral outrage, and money. A vast amount of power and wealth has been applied to suppress the truth, subvert democracy, falsify history and enrich tyrants. It is therefore necessary to summon and organize an opposing force of sufficient power to shine the light of truth and wield the sword of justice that will dislodge the cartels of tyranny and greed.

Your decision to join the FREE HAND FOR TRUTH is a dagger to heart of hate.

All membership money will be used to research, broadcast, and support the TRUTH through channels that will be the most effective and actions that will alter the course of history. All revenue from the purchase of merchandise and licensing will go to the founder and creator of this website in lieu of salary according to free enterprise principles.

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